Our Impact 2023/24
Our latest Review shows the direct impact we had on the communities we worked with in 2023/24, as well as the sector we operate in.
We believe orchestras are for everyone
- We are a national producer, working to increase access to world-class music experiences.
We believe that people from all backgrounds, areas and ages should have access to high quality music opportunities.
- We focus our work on communities who currently have less access to the performing arts.
- We encourage orchestras to think about the impact they have beyond the stage.
- We work to change people's hearts and minds about what an orchestra can be.

Our work in 2023/24 has resulted in...
It brought my mum to life. The music helped her remember
Project participant
We work with a diverse range of partners and communities.
We use music as a way to enable people to fulfil their potential and enjoy healthy, happy lives.
Our projects are collaborative in nature; shaped by our participants' passions and needs.
Our work leaves behind healthier, stronger creative communities, and ensures everyone has equal access and opportunities.
Working with Orchestras Live, means we can collaborate with a first class, inspirational orchestra and deliver meaningful, life-impacting projects.
Partner Organisation
We advocate for the vital role that music plays in improving people's lives and support local communities to build their aspirations.
We use our influence to champion positive change in the orchestral sector.
We aim to be a force for positive change in key areas:
- Diversity and inclusion
- Environmental sustainability
- Social value and impact
I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and felt so overwhelmed to be given such a fantastic opportunity.
Project participant
We are an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.
Our funding in 2023/24 has enabled us to:
- invest in new team roles to allow us to reach more communities in England
- test new ways of working with our current partners and communities
- extend our influence and leadership within the orchestral and wider culture sectors
Our opportunities to feel involved in the community are limited. This made us feel included.
Partner Organisation
We are extremely grateful for the support we have received from our funders and partners in 2023/24, which allowed our vital work to flourish.
In particular, for the financial support we received from:
Arts Council England, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Scops Arts Trust and the Garfield Weston Foundation.